What do I write?

So, this is my first ever blog, and if truth be told, I really have no idea where to start or what to even write about. I have decided to start my blog because it is always something that I have been interested in and I’m not sure why I didn’t do it sooner, but I have finally built up the courage to make a start. I’m not too sure exactly what I want to write about, but I think it’s important that I share my experiences with others.

So, as I said, I have decided to blog because it’s something that I have always been interested in, but I just wasn’t sure when or where to start, and now I’m here. I have always been interested in writing, whether it was just back in school during English lessons, or just writing little notes between myself. I want to be able to share experiences and take part in new experiences, as well as learning from other bloggers and maybe being able to help others through my blog posts.

I guess I’m just going to start my blog off with things about me, and things that I am interested in. I want to be able to share things about myself and what I have done or achieved. I am passionate about fashion, and like to be unique in what I wear. I take a particular interest in clothing companies that are different, and I like things that stand out to me – although I would never go into anything fashion-related as a career, because it is more something personal than something I would work my life around. I am also keen on travelling, not taking a year out or a couple of months to travel, but visiting different places as often as I possibly can, on holidays or short holiday breaks. Travel is important to me because I want to see as much as the world as possible, I want to make memories in different places and learn facts about them. I am hoping to update my blog weekly, most likely at the end of every week, to let my audience know what I’ve been up to that week, what new thoughts I’ve had, what I’ve experienced, what I’ve learnt..

I want to write my blog for anyone who would be remotely interested in what I want to say. I don’t think there is any particular audience that my blog will be aimed at, but just anyone who may share the same interests as me, or different interests so I could learn about something new, or someone who may have the same thoughts as me about something, or different thoughts so that they could be challenged, in a way.

I want my audience to feel like they engage with me about anything in my blogs, things they agree on, things they disagree on, things they like, things they dislike, or just anything they want to say in general, even if it’s not related to my blog in the slightest. I have always been very open to feedback, as I like to learn from what others think and I encourage other individuals to give me criticism so I can take it on board and improve from it.

My main goal of my blog is to build up a bigger audience. I want my blog to be bigger in a few months time, I want to have more readers and more people to engage with. I want my blog to become wider and enable me to write more about things that I may not have even thought about writing about in the first place. It would be an amazing thing for me if my blog posts could make a difference at all, or be able to help others in any way.

So, this is my first ever blog post, and I’m not quite sure if I’ve done it right in any way, but I’m glad to have started somewhere, and I’m excited to continue to write more blog posts.

6 thoughts on “What do I write?

  1. sounds like you have the makings of a great blog! i only started blogging back in June, and I had no clue what I was doing at first. now i feel more comfortable and certain in what i’m doing and where i want to go and i adore it. wishing you the best of luck and welcome to the blogging community!

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